Monday Meows

Dis quarantine stuff is getting old, my battery died.

So, recharge it.

You can DO THAT? I have wasted so much money on new phones…

I’m not listening!

Would you all shut up, dis my favorite show! It’s got the bald guy.

Monday Meows

I am Boudica, all shall love me and despair!

I thought it was pronounced, Boa-Day-Chia, like the pet.

In her case it’s probably Boo-Dick-Ka, like the giant snake.

I like Boo-Dick-Ka, it’s one of my favorite dishes! …what?

Monday RoMeow And Juliet

Not soft, what cake through yonder window breaks?

Oh ghods…here we go again

Tis the fruit and duly soaked in rum

What did Shakespeare ever do to you?

Arise, fair yeast, and fluff the envious bread!

I kind of like dis one…is my young mind getting moldy?

Tis fat and ready to butter and grease!

It’ll be over soon, right?

But thou, old maid, art far more loaf than she.

That’s it, you’re done!

Monday Meows

Hep, hep, I’z trapped! I’z being oppressed!

Did you hear something that sounded like a kitten?


And neither did you. Not if you know what’s good for you.

‘s okay?

‘s all right.

F***ing catnip dreams.

Monday Meows May The 4th Be With You

May the 4th be with you!

Live long and pawsper!

Wrong franchise, dudette.

I Jedi, see my robez!

Taste the force!

What does that even mean?

Halp, I iz trapped in a trash compactor!

Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.

Soon, my apprentice you will belong to me!