Justine Larbelastier on the complete lack of symbolism in her draft process (I’m the same way).
Maureen Johnson has brain monkeys (snerched from Justine) and all I can say is: me too.
Scott Westerfeld on sometimes a zombie is just a zombie–written long ago, but still relevant (once again snerched from Justine, though I originally read this by following a link from Making Light)
Jeff Vandermeer on writing a novel in two months (via Jay Lake). This is faster than I currently write but not enormously so, and in the range I’m shooting for, i.e. three books a year with about four months of fallow time built in there in big blocks.
(Originally published on the Wyrdsmiths blog January 16 2008, and original comments may be found there. Reposted and reedited as part of the reblogging project)