Monday Meows

I have a plan.

And it begins with a moo and the bunny hop.

Okay, that’s a little too weird even for me.

I did not see that.

No, I think you did.

I end your plan with a smooch.

Well, okay, but it would have been AWESOME.



Monday Meows

I have a BOX!!!!


I would like a box…

I would like my dignity back

Too bad.

………………………………………………………So sad.

I’ll get you for publishing that shot.

Wow, separated at birth.

2.5 from the Russian judge, insufficient sarcasm.

I found something way better than a box.







Monday Meows

I’m beginning to think I might have a drinking problem…

What was your first clue?

The water running into my ears.

That’s the first sign.*

What’s the second sign?

I know! It’s deer crossing.

Not: No passing zone?*

Whatevs. It’s nap time for me.*

*Bonus kitties courtesy of Tabby’s Catfe.




Monday…ish Meows

Hey, I don’t think I’ve read that one…

Or dis one!

Dude, there aren’t any books up there.

Are you sure? Maybe out here? Also, what are a books?

I think I need a drink…

Fair, but I’m getting a bit old, so I’ll just be over here pretending to sleep.




Monday Meows

So, I’m going for a Nick Fury thing only with snot instead of a patch.

That is sooooo gross.

It is kind of disturbing, yeah. Why?

Hey, Gurl…

No. Just. No.

Wanna see my laser eyes?


I would rather eat this foot.

Me too, in fact…

Now, that works. Save me a toe!



Monday Meows

Vegetables, why did it have to be vegetables?*

Dude, that’s just gross.

I am judging your kitchen choices.

We hides from the veggie face. It burns us.

Screw vegetables, tonight I dine on tail!

I think you’re going to regret your life choices…

*Thanks Kim for guest kitty Diphthong O’Malley

Monday Meows

What do “highly caffeinated” mean?

Oh ghods.

Hold me.

This again? I shall be in fortress.

Who needs a fortress when you’ve got monkey knees.

You haz fuds. I like fuds!

I can’t believe I ate the whole thing…

He’ll live. He might not enjoy it, but he’ll live.