Friday Cat Blogging



What the hell was that?

I don’t know, but it went thataway!

We are not amused. The smelly white invader must go.

I think it was a d.o.g.

Where? I will destroy it with my laser breath!

Did you know my nose has a flavor? Wait, did I miss something.

Friday Cat Blogging Special Saturday Edition

Reading Lord of the Rings to Cats Edition.

A long expected party, the day after, or: I can’t believe I ate the whole thing.

Hobbits, hobbits, hobbits. Does this book ever talk about cats?

Wake me when we get to the cats.

Oh no. Frodo’s been stabbed. I am so worried. Woe. Worry.

What will I see if I look into the mirror?

None can. Also, all will love me and despair.

Friday Cat Blogging


Picturesque cat is picturesque.

(Guest shot by house sitter extraordinare—Paula T)

Does this basket make me look fat?

Yes. It does.

She’s right.

Would y’all shut up. I’m working here.

Does this expression make me look crazy?

Hush, I need to kill this fluffy invader before she takes over my faucet.

Special Sunday Edition of Friday Cat Blogging

That’s it, it’s a “special edition” and not late at all. Right? Yeah, I don’t believe me either. On to the cats.

The sun, it melts me. I die.

That’s not melting. THIS is melting.

The Russian judge gives your entire competition a 3.5. Just sad.

Oh my team! Oh the felinity!

You cats are embarrassing the rest of us. Stop it. Now.

I concur with my colleague, Pippin the fluffernut.

Srsly, what’s up with these McCullough cats and their showbiz ways?

I think it’s a disgrace.

Real cats hide from cameras carried by people named McCullough. Like this.

And now for something completely different…

Can’t touch this! I will kill you with my mind.

Why are you down playing with the dogs when you should be up here giving me treats?

There. Much better, serving catkind as thumb-monkeys were born to do.

Friday Cat Blogging

I know where the eggnog went…hic.

I did not get any eggnog!

Wha’ makes you think I had any eggsgenog?

Screw nog, go for the nip!

Thish is the besht nog evah! Yeah, yeah, yeah, laugh it up back there.

Nog for Princess. Nog now.

Jush a sec, I’ll get it for you.

Friday Cat Blogging Now On Saturday Morning

Did you hears something sneaking up behind me?

No. Not this time. Not that last time. In fact, never. Nothing is sneaking up behind you.*

That’s snow moon! That’s a polar bear sneaking up behind Jordan!

Whatvever dudes! I’m just gonna chill here and think about The Hobbit.

Me too, awesome trainwreck of a movie.

And on a completely different note. Tail crosshairs engaged on target.

Firing space based kitten cannon in 3.2.1…

Dude this is the strangest cat blog I’ve ever been in.

It’s because I’m trapped under a Princess. If I move, she’ll kill me. Send help.

*Why, yes, that is an advance copy of Martha Wells’ Emilie and the Hollow World,

and it is all mine!

Friday Cat Blogging

I am not amused with your silly camera.


You have irritated me, I will destroy you with my mind.

You humans sit funny. Like dis. What’s up with that?

I was gonna sit there, but you’re in my sun. Deal.

I AM beauty.

Come ‘ere, I’m a smack you one.

I still want to know where the water goes.

Friday Cat Blogging

Bring me a…tunafish!

Crazy eyes, moi?

Hey Girl!

Does this foot taste funny to you?

I was going to kill you, but then I decided to take a lil nap insteadzzzzz.

But where does the water GO?!?

Friday Cat Blogging Thanksgiving Edition

I iz thankfuls for being all dark and mysterious…

I iz thankfuls for my svelte and dainty figure.

I iz thankfuls for my mad ninja skillz!

I iz thankfuls for sleeping like nobody’s watching.

I iz thankfuls for getting on the counter wifout getting smacked.

I iz thankfuls for teh smack I iz about to give Coconut.